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The Washington House
The Washington House is a 4 bed Adult Family Home. It is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. We have provided residential care for adults with disabilities, who have many needs, strengths, and barriers. Residents residing at our AFH are ambulatory.
Services offered are, but not limited to: Instrumental Activities of Daily Livings (IADLs) & Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), transportation to and from day service programming, and appointments, etc.
Medication monitoring, personal cares, independent living skills, leisure activities (in home and in community), meal preparation and meal planning, and providing an all around healthy home environment are all included for every resident. Many more services can be available as determined by family and/or team members, and ISP.
Additionally, we will provide a YMCA Membership for all of the residents. Our residents will get to participate in and experience if desired, many community outings such as the library, festivals, movies, parks/lakefront activities, and so much more.
It is our goal to provide each resident with a family environment that is safe, stable, consistent, and comfortable to live in, where they can learn.
Residents will have highly trained staff, that are insightful, patient, and caring. Please call for your tour of The Washington House. Phone: 920-828-0049. Fax: 262-268-1120.
Daily our staff take their own temperature as well as each residents. In addition, staff will wear masks throughout the day. Residents are encouraged to wear a mask, but are not required to. Staff will use proper hand hygiene throughout the day, as well as residents will be encouraged to. Staff will ask screening questions such as if anyone has had any symptoms of the virus and/or been around anyone with any symptoms. If staff have any symptoms, they will not be at work. Furthermore, staff will social distance at 6 feet or more whenever possible. We will follow the CDC website for guidance as well.