Newer Beginnings offers transportation services for ambulatory clients.
Staff are available to transport clients to:
- Medical Appointments
- Day Programming
- School
- Social or leisure activities
- Work
- Non-Medical Appointments
Regularly or One-Time Transports are available. Special circumstances and short notice transports are available. Services are available for in or out of town transportation requests as well.
Before providing transportation, our staff will take their own temperature as well as each individual that we provide services for. In addition, staff will wear masks throughout their time with a member. Members are encouraged to wear a mask, but are not required to. Staff will ask screening questions such as if anyone has had any symptoms of the virus and/or been around anyone with any symptoms. If anyone, including staff has had any symptoms, staff will not be able to provide services and all the proper parties will be notified. Staff will use proper hand hygiene throughout the day, as well as members will be encouraged to. Furthermore, staff will social distance at 6 feet or more whenever possible. We will follow the CDC website for guidance.
Background checks are done on all employees and safety is top priority.
Phone: 920-828-0049. Fax: 262-268-1120.